Recent Articles
1 Stop gate in and out receipts
Exports When a gate out occurs at an empty location, user can have the container number automatically apply to the job in FreightTracker. We match the release number and apply the container number to a blank job on the booking. A booking can have ...
Reply To Email: Company Info Update and Email configuration
New Feature : Reply to Email: You now have 2 x options to change the From Email to your nominated Email address, Does not have to be This is what it used to automatically default to. Once you update the below Email ...
Capacity Management
Capacity Management is a module that can be activated via the FreightTracker Marketplace. The below setup is required before the module can be utilised The Capacity Management feature requires set up for each of the Allocations Screen Tabs where ...
Cargowise Integrations via eAdaptor
Introduction FreightTracker is able to provide integration with Cargowise using the standard Cargowise XML Files. Integration can be achieved using FTP/SFTP to transfer files although use of the eAdaptor and API file transfer is preferred. If the ...
Auto Setting Ref info icons for Paying and Delivery Customers
Overview Ref Info Icons can be automatically selected for a paying or delivery customer in any job. This is helpful when you have a regular requirement or addon income rate that must be applied. This FAQ will show you how to set the ref info icons to ...