Ref Info Icons can be automatically selected for a paying or delivery customer in any job. This is helpful when you have a regular requirement or addon income rate that must be applied. This FAQ will show you how to set the ref info icons to activate for your paying and/or delivery customer jobs.
How do I enter the ref info icon selection...
1. Go to Customers and search for your customer. Open the customer screen.
2. Go to the Prefs tab
3. Select the module you would like to set the ref info button for.
4. Select the Edit button.
4. Scroll down to the Add Ref Info fields
5. Select the Ref Info from the first drop down field
6. Select the value you would like highlighted in the second drop down field. This drop down will show you the selections available for that ref info selected.
7. Select Save Preferences button.
What does this selection do?
In all modules the ref info and value will be automatically selected for applicable jobs. The logic will apply for both Paying and Delivery customers.
When the job has the paying customer, or
When the job has the delivery customer.
If there is a rate associated with the ref info, it will automatically be applied in the Job Income or Finance tab.
If a paying customer has a ref info selection, the ref info icon will be active.
If a delivery customer has a ref info selection, the ref info icon will be active.
If a paying customer and delivery customer have different ref info selections, both ref info icons will be active.
If a paying AND delivery customer have the SAME ref info active with different values, the paying customer will be give preference.