Batch / Barcode Scanning

Batch / Barcode Scanning

Tools -> Barcode scanning 

Simply drag your scanned PDF document on the Barcode scanning page and it will load, read the barcode and attach to the correct job.
Alternatively you can still drag and drop POD's that do not have a barcode to this screen and manually allocate them to the corresponding job 

Automatic Scanning

1. Go to Tools / Barcode Scanning 

2. Drag your scanned POD to the cloud.
3. It will show on the left hand side of the screen.
4. If FreightTracker can read the barcode it will disappear within a couple of seconds and will have successfully uploaded to the job.

Job Selection for Upload

If you job does not upload within a couple of seconds, the green arrow will appear. This indicates the system is unable to read the barcode or your document does not have a barcode, so you need to tell the system what job to load it to.
1. Select the magnifying glass to see what the job number is.

2. Enter the job number in the search field on the right hand side of the screen and select Enter. This will bring up the details of the job.

3. Select the job and select the green arrow to push the POD scan to the job selected. 

4. Enter a friendly name (if required) 
5. Select Save Job
6. The POD scan will now upload against the job selected.