Our goal is to bring companies closer to their clients with a variety of alerts and automated communication. With pro-active decision making taking the lead. We build the tools for your teams to provide the best service possible, while significantly reducing the man hours that historically would have been required to achieve this. We also focus on streamlined allocations where yards, drivers, allocators and admin are working together in the most effective way possible. Management can have a complete overview of the activity in all departments from our dashboards and robust reporting.
Auto Dehire Date
Freight tracker automatically calculates the dehire date from vessel avaiablity as a global standard. Each company can manage the amount of days they preffer the Dehire Warnings to display on the allocation screens.

Dehire dates can be managed at the following levels
- global
- customer
- consignee
- per shipping line
- per country of origin
Dehire Warnings
Example Settings:
YELLOW = 6 DAYS from dehire due date
ORANGE = 4 days from dehire due date
RED = 3 Days from dehire due date
the empty location will display red if it has exceeded the rule until it is dehired.
Empties tab
Wharf pick up tab
Just like the vessel avaibality for imports, freight tracker will apply the same warnings for exports but will use the receival start date.
Dehire days - counting column
In the allocation screen there is a 'DAYS LEFT' column. This column indicates how many days left until thE container iS due for dehire. The column will also display a negative number if the container is still not dehired and is exceeding the final day of dehire.
Managing Container Pins
pin strip
Container Pins can be coppied off the allocation screen and pasted directly into the VBS. The pins will be matched agains containers automatically. this is done by selecting the pin icon found on the wharf tab.

Slot Management
Emailing slots into Freight Tracker
In the VBS users can email slots straight into freight tracker. They will automaticaly be matched against the containers in your system.
any slots that do not have containers will be listed in the bubble counter next to the wharf heading in the wharf tab.
Converting Real time
slot times are converted to 'real' time. Freight Tracker has each wharves slot configuration built in.
0608121020 = 1200
06013560 = 0100
13I944689 = 1300
Slot warning
The slot field on the allocation screen will go red on the last free day and will stay red until a slot is added to the field

Leg warnings
When adding dates to legs, Freight Tracker has warnings that assist users in making pro active decisions.
Import Storage Warning
When adding a date to a leg and that date is on or after the storage date for that job. A warning pop up will force users to acknowledge the conflict

Export cutoff warnings
When adding a date to a leg and that date is on or after the cutoff date for that job. A warning pop up will force users to acknowledge the conflict
Backdating legs
Users cannot add a date to a leg to be before the previous leg
future date warning
There is a parameter in Freight Tracker that controls the Number of days of a future date that is allowed in a booking. This stops accidental dates that may be too far in the future.
Incorrect container number entry
Users will be warned if they enter a container number that is incorrect. Freight tracker as built this in by having the number of letters in the prefix and matches this to the correct amount of numbers that are in a container number.
Container number used previously
If users have recently used a container number, a warning will advise users of what jb it was last used on. Users must acknowledge this warning to progress the booking of a job.
Predictive legging
If a leg is inbound and the previus leg is not yet complete. The leg will display as BLUE on the allocation screen. This helps user to manage inbound movements even when they are not yet due.
Wharf Management
Freight tracker uses the commtrack fee to retrieve live vessel updates.
Availablity date changing or being removed via 1-stop
if the wharf has removed or change the availability date for a vessel, the vessel will highlight red. Prompting users to verify with the vessel schedual. This feature is also looking at the time. it you have booked a slot today for 1pm and the avaibality changes to 3 pm. The change will trigger the warning
Wharf changing
If the vessel has changed wharf from the wharf the job was original booked from, the wharf will go red. Prompting users to verify with the vessel schedual
Tab Controls
All allocation tabs have a show/hide completed jobs toggle. This is to keep allocators focused on what has not yet been completed. Having this feature also allows the flexibility for allocators to view what has already been complete where required.
Toggle = ON
Toggle = OFF
Ultimate Allocations
The allocation screens are built for complete customisation. Working togther with the driver app, Users can instantly allocate and update jobs. The flexibility has been designed to be flexible and fit all allocation styles. Default to allocate driver to vehicle or vehcile to driver. Allocate trailer types to trailer registrations/fleetnumber and visa versa.
Freight Tracker Manages all moving parts at an individual job level:
- Vehicles
- Drivers
- Trailers
- Trailer Types
- Chase Trucks
- Sideloader Drivers
Re-route jobs
Split legs witha single click of the routing icon from the allocation screen
Live allocation status updates - driver app.
In real time, allocators can see the status of every containers. If your business has the driver app, the last thing an allocator does is allocate a job to a driver without ever losing visability of its status.

Using the paperclip icon, users can drag and drop emails and documents directly into a job from the allocation screen.

Shift managment
Use Freight trackers default shifts or create your own. This filters the allocation screen for users so they are only looking at the jobs that are with in the shift times

select text in freight tracker can be moused over to view more data. An example of this is the a user hovering their mouse over the vessel. Users will be able to view the vessels crutial details.

Dehire Reminders
when a container has been delivered to a customer. Users can send email reminders to the customer asking them to advse if the container is ready. A log of everytime this email was sent is stored in the screen and in the job.

When a user has been notified via telephone or email that the container is ready for collection, Users can select the calander icon and select either the NOW button with adds the date and time the button was selected or a user can manually select a date and time.

columns that assist in managing empties:
- DATE = the date for the dehire leg
- NOTIFIED = when the container was notified as empty
- Dehire/Cutoff = the dehire/cutoff date for the job
- Days = how many days the container has been ontie at the clients location
- Total Onsite = How many containers are currenty onsite
- MTI = how many containers are already on the customer site and have been notified as empty
- Days Left = How many days are left before the container must be dehired before it incurres additional charges

The Total onsite column is a hyper like. this means it can be selected to view more information. This column once selected will display a list of all the containers that are currently on the clients site and how many days are left for dehire/cuttoff. The MTI column when selected, will display the containers that have been notifed as empty

Highlevel view
Users can take have a quick overview of the entire allocation screen by using the pocket view option. This allows users to view the total number of containers and what status they are, at a glance.