1 Stop gate in and out receipts

1 Stop gate in and out receipts


When a gate out occurs at an empty location, user can have the container number automatically apply to the job in FreightTracker. We match the release number and apply the container number to a blank job on the booking. A booking can have multiple jobs. we will add the container number to available job that does not currently have a container number  against it.
Note:  The Gate Out Receipts will now be attached to Job if the Facility issues them if not they will be logged under the job once gated out. 


When a gate in occurs we will flag the job a gated in to the empty park. A dashlet available in settings -> dashboard can be added to the dashboard screen that monitors containers that are complete but do not have a gate in receipt. the dashlet is called ->  Completed Jobs Not Dehired
Note: The Gate In Receipts will now be attached to the Job if the Facility issues them if not they will be logged under the job once gated in. 

Alert1Stop set up instructions 

To add these alerts to your system you will need to login to 1- Stop and then go to the Facility Applicable like below.

In the left hand side menu, navigate to Subscribe to Notifications select the 'Gate receipts' options In or Out Notifications and press edit Settings

When you Press Edit settings you will see this pop up to add your additional email addresses then press Save see screenshot below. 

Your email address to put in will be

Your FreightTracker email:

below is an example URL

your FreightTracker email will be:

Once you have this activated your jobs will start to be updated and logged in FT as follows

Import jobs with Dehire Gate In EIR Logs will look like this

Export Jobs with Gate Out EIR Logs will look like this

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