Customer portal - a guide for your customers

Customer portal - a guide for your customers

The customer portal offers track and trace ability for freight. 
when first logging in, the portal will display the main screen of jobs that are not yet complete.

Main screen 

The jobs are separated by imports and exports 

Search options

There are 2 main search options:

a) job filter 

b) or free text search for container or customer reference numbers 


If user access is permitted, portal users can:

a) request delivery dates
b) add bookings
c) view invoices
d) view pods

Add comments to jobs

The comments you add will feed through to the main system in real time. An email will be sent if a new comment is added to a job 

blue means a portal users has added a comment. the icon will go orange when the transport company responds 

 add document attachments to jobs through the portal by selecting the paperclip in the action column next to each job 

Notify an empty container 

in the actions column a 'ready' icon will be displayed when the container has been delivered to a customer site.

the button will be grey if a notification has already been made and green if there is no notification of empty 

View POD 

the green icon is an available pod that can be selected to view and open

View Invoice

the pdf icon will appear if there is an available invoice


jobs on the portal will display the routing and current status of the delivery 

grey = the leg is complete
blue = where the container is right now 

Current, Historic, Completed jobs 

in the top menu you can select 'container transport' this will give you two options as below to view either current or historic jobs
or go straight to completed jobs


Select the dashbour option in the top menu to view dashlets. The dashlets provide graphs about current and over time volumes and movements 
Please note: the transport company will permit access to specified dashlets if they choose to allow access

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