FT 2 FT Jobs - Cancel from Contractor or Reject from Sub Contractor

FT 2 FT Jobs - Cancel from Contractor or Reject from Sub Contractor


Previously it was not possible to cancel or reject Sub Contractor Jobs correctly when using the FreightTracker to FreightTracker (FT2FT) integration. 


Cancel Jobs for a Sub Contractor: 

The Contractor is now able to cancel a job that has been assigned to a sub-contractor as long as the sub-contractor has not accepted the job. 
To cancel a job, from the Booking screen or Job detail screen. 
1) When the Job has been sub-contracted the Cancel button is visible. Click on the Cancel button. 

2) You will be asked to confirm the Cancel operation and then be asked to provide a cancel reason

The Job will then create a request to cancel the job in the Sub-contractors system. 
NOTE: Jobs cannot be cancelled from the contractor side when the sub-contractor has already accepted the job. To cancel accepted jobs it must be done from the sub-contractor system. 

A log will added to show that the Job has been cancelled, why it was cancelled and who the operator that cancelled the job. 

Now that the Job has been cancelled the Contractor can now choose another sub-contractor as normal

The operator can assign the job to a new sub contractor as per normal. You will be able to see the new Sub Contract details in the log. 

Rejecting jobs as a Sub Contractor

As a sub contractor you can reject a sub-contracted job at any stage as long as it is not in progress. 
1) To reject a job from the Job Detail screen the reject option is beside the accept job button. 

2) You will be asked to confirm the Reject operation and then be asked to provide a reject reason

The Job in the Contractor's system will now have removed the sub-contractor therefore allowing the Contractor to choose another sub contractor

A log will added to show that the Job has been cancelled, why it was cancelled and who the operator that cancelled the job. 

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