Freight Tracker offers the capability to manage onsite Fumigation as well as providing a report that also facilitates fumigation at delay locations. This can be used by companies during the high risk seasons for fumigation Like BMSB season and those who handle onsite fumigation.
The optimum Reference icon set up is as follows:
When a job is marked with the reference icon FUMO = F20, F40, or via fumo 4 x new fields will be available in the job
Aquis Number
Fumo Date
Airing Date
Release Date
You can search within a date range and per customer. To obtain a full overview we suggest leaving these fields blank when you run the report
We offer the report in PDF and EXCEL formats. The PDF is intended to be a highlevel report where as the EXCEL contains more information.
report filters.
the date range filter searches for containers that have a ‘Fumo date’ in the date range searched. this date is the date in the 'fumo date' field
when we ‘Include containers from wharf’ we ADD any containers marked ‘F20, F40 or FUMO’ that have a ‘from wharf' leg date in the date ranged search. We are looking at the leg date for this and not the ‘FUMO Date’ when we ADD the jobs to the report.
The report should now display all containers that have a FUMO DATE in the date range searched AND any containers where the ‘from wharf’ leg date is also in this date range and the container is marked 'F20, F40 or FUMO’
When we ‘Include completed jobs' we now include jobs where the ‘from delay leg’ is complete. This will include all jobs completed in this date range.
If i input a date range and select both additional options, The report will now show all jobs as below:
Has a ‘fumo date’ in the date range searched
Has a date in the ‘From wharf’ leg and are flagged 'F20, F40 or FUMO’ in the date range searched
the ‘from delay’ leg is ‘complete’ with in this date range searched