How to personalise your allocation screen layout

How to personalise your allocation screen layout

Our column configuration feature has been designed to give each user the ability to re-arrange their screen layout preferences, without effecting other users. Each change is locked down per user.


In your allocation screen you will see a setting icon

this is where you can configure your columns



The column edit  bar will open. 

Here you can click and drag columns around and put them in your preferred position. 

Note: It is important to remember that each tab has been configured to feed very specific information. This restricts column selection. Each Tab has all of the column options available for that tab only.


To remove a column simply click the 'X' next to the column name. The column you have removed will be added to a drop down list to re-select if required.

To add a new column, select from the drop down options. This drop down will display the column option available within this tab.

You can have as many or as little as columns as you require.

Be sure to save once you are happy with the changes to view the tab reconfigure to your preferences.

To save, click anywhere outside the box where you allocate columns and then click

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