Yard Management Live **PAID FEATURE**

Yard Management Live **PAID FEATURE**

In freight tracker we have built the connection between the yard movements controlled by a forklift driver and integrated this into freighttrackers admin system for allocators. 
This screen is designed to have the allocators and the forklift drivers working in sync with live data to make active decisions. 

  1. To gain access to the yard screen, it is as simple as adding a new user in settings -> users
  2. You will need to change the users role to YARD. 
  3. Logging into the screen is a simple as going to the company URL https://{your company name}.yardtracker.com.au/admin
  4. Use the new user credentials that have been set up for the user role of YARD. 

The yard screen is packed full of features. The screen itself has been designed by forklift drivers and is created for ease of use on touch screen tablets. 

On the yard screen, The below options are available:

1. Inbound, Outbound, MT tabs to segregate the relevant date 
2. Depot selection
3. Column configuration options that can be set per user. 
4. Once you have set up your screen viewing preferences you can set the default so every time the user logs in the screen will default to the preference
5. Forklift drivers can select the status of the container in the yard this is logged in the specific job log screen. The yard status column is available in allocations as 'read only' so allocators can see in real time what the forklift drivers are doing. 

To view the column in allocations you will need to use the screen settings icon and search for the YARD STATUS column and add this to your allocation screen in admin 

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