wharf change alert
The vessel name will change to red when the original wharf is changed to a different wharf after booking. This is flagged in FT. Name: Wharf_change_alert Description: Alert users by changing the vessel name to red when a wharf has been updated ...
Availability date alert
if an availability date or time is removed or changes from 1-stop, but vessel did have an availability date on its last sync for freight tracker has an alert for the user to check with 1-stop. i.e if a date was received by one stop but later did not ...
Storage Handling
Parameter - storage handling if sto_charge_from_day_received = 1 charge STO from the day the container entered the yard if customer exceeds the free days allowed. if sto_charge_from_day_received = 0 charge STO for all the days the container is in the ...
Disable a user from allocating a job without a driver
New parameter that disables a user from changing the status of a leg unless a driver has been allocated Settings → Parameters → General → Status_Update_Driver_required. When turned on effects all modules minus warehouse.